I can't believe that it's been almost a whole month! I suck at this, lol. While now onto a whole month long worth of updates. Ready???
Let's start with:
FIL: he's out of the hospital and doing so much better! It's crazy scary to see what smoking can actually do to the human body in real life. But because of everything that has happened to him, he's made the choice to now live smoke-free! We couldn't be happier!
House: Our offered was accepted! They countered, and we accepted. Now the long 45 day escrow wait! Getting a hold of our loan officer has been very difficult (totally understatement of the year). Anyway, finally got Justin's credit score under control since we found out last minute of a medical collection that just popped up last month! Now everything is set and we locked our rate!
But then we get the call from our real estate agent this week saying that the house appraised at $15k less than what we offered! So now the ball is in the seller's court: he can either accept our counter at the now lower price or he can choose to walk away completely!!!
We're of course hoping that he takes our counter offer since the house has now been on the market for almost 100 days, but we don't know for sure yet. Fingers are crossed though!
Job: Well, I didn't get the 911 dispatcher job but I did get a job at an auto dealership this past week! So, I'm back to my old stomping grounds just at a different dealership! Right now, I'm helping 2 girls out and getting a feel for how they run things, and then I'll get a permanent position.
Let me tell you, this whole waking up early and working thing, it's so tiring! I guess I was spoiled by not working for so long! I wouldn't mind not working, but with the new house and more expenses, it made me a bit stressed out not having a second income!
I'm really happy that I have a job though! I finally got the balls to tell my manager that I'm pregnant. I was so scared since it was my first day and I don't "know" him yet. I think that it totally took him by surprise because he didn't even ask how far along I was and of course, I'm just sitting there rambling about how I plan to work until the very end and plan on returning, and never told him that I am 5 months along.
So I guess it well!
And now onto the much anticipated BABY update: Everything is going really well! Justin keeps telling me that I totes looks pregnant now and he still laughs at me when I try getting off the couch/bed.
I had a lovely grooming disaster the other day too. I was (trying to) trimming my lady bits and I thought everything was going good and then I felt something. I look at my hand, and there's blood. I totally just nicked my vagina :( I gave up after that.
Now with all the extra leakage that apparently welcomes you to 2nd Tri, I have to wear panty-liners everyday. The first day at work everything was fine, but when I got home and went to the bathroom, I saw dried blood on the liner. Cue the IF brain freakout!
I kept telling myself that I must have agitated my vagina cut. I even asked Justin if he would take a look at my lady parts, but I think that he took it as I was joking because he never did it.
I told myself that if I saw more, then I will begin the external freakout and call the OB, but it was just a one time thing. Thank God!
Because of that little scare, I've been actually keeping track of the movement that I'm feeling. The other night was the best one so far.
I had the laptop resting on my stomach, and when my hands were off of it, Mason gave it a good swift kick, and I saw the whole computer shift!
I then leaned back on the couch and lifted up my shirt and it seemed like he was having a dance party in there. I could actually see my stomach moving! So weird, but so cool at the same time! I was tempted to record it on my phone but I was afraid that if I moved he would stop. So I just sat and watched! It lasted for a good 5-10 minutes and of course, Justin was in the shower the whole time. By the time he came back to the living room, Mason had stopped :(
The Official Update:
How far along: 23w4d
Size of Baby: Grapefruit
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I was up 2lbs at my last apt, but I think it's because I hadn't been able to poop in about 2 days! (Of course, I was able to go after my appointment, lol)
Maternity Clothes: Yep yep!
Gender: Baby
BOY!!! Mason Daniel
Belly Button In/Out: In
Stretch Marks: Same ones
Labor Signs: Nope
Movement: Definite movement now! They still feel like bubbles popping, and an occasional roll but they are a lot more frequent now. And I can't forget about his little dance party the other night
Sleep: Doing a little better, but it still takes some time to get comfortable
Cravings/Aversions: I want. All. The. FOOD. But of course, sweet and cold are high on the list!
Symptoms: Lower back pain. It was almost painful to go grocery shopping the other day
Feeling: Happy, excited and then nervous, scared!
Best Moment this Week: Has to be the baby dance party!
What I Miss: Energy. I wouldn't know what I would have done if I got a job in 1st Tri
What I am Looking Forward To: Still about the house, I need to buy stuff!
Milestones: Almost to V (viability) Day!
Baby Milestones: Mason measures about 10.5-11.8 inches long and weighs about 12.7-20.8 ounces. He's getting cuter! Ears start to develop and his face and eyes are forming. He's more aware, too, and is listening to my voice and my heartbeat, as well as to loud sounds, such as cars honking and dogs barking. I may also feel him move when he hears something familiar.
Next Appointment: Thursday, July 11th. At my last appointment, Dr. L said that all my genetic testing came back negative! I couldn't be happier!
Picture time!
20w- Half Baked (and yummy ice cream!) |
22w |
23w (first work bathroom pic!) |