Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week 19!

A lot of things have been happening!

FIL went into the hospital on May 20th, and he is still there :( but he should be coming home in the next few days!

Tuesday- We met with our loan officer, Marie, and we are all set to go forward to look at houses!

Wednesday-I passed the Communications Operator test and had my first interview! And of course we had to go and look at houses!

Today (Thursday)- We put in our very first offer on a house! Holy crap! Our Real Estate Agent, Eddie, said that we could hear back in as little as 3 days!

This past Monday, I drove into town since my friend Sarah came for a quick visit. I hadn't told anyone that we found out the sex of the baby. As soon as she walked into the house she was asking if I found out! I lied to her and said that the baby didn't cooperate so we have to wait until the next appt. I was waiting until my sister got there so she could be involved. I did tell Sarah that I did know, but didn't want to say anything about me knowing until Tracy got there and so my mom wasn't bugging, lol.

About 5 minutes after Tracy got there, I got the gift. I put these pictures in a collage frame and covered each pic with tissue paper that had a number on it so she would unwrap it in order.


When she got to the second and third pic, I had to tell her what she was looking at because she was looking for something written on it. When she got to the 4th pic (the reveal pic), she looks at it for a few seconds and says, "It's a..........hole in one????"

I had to point out the color of the ball that was in the hole. Then it clicked in her mind. She just looked at the picture and then stared at me, saying absolutely nothing! This, I swear, lasted for a few minutes, when in reality it was just a few seconds. Sarah then jumped up and started screaming!

I had a feeling that I should have recorded it or at least taken a pic, but I just wanted to see her reaction without having to worry about recording. But I should have because of her reaction, it was absolutely priceless!

We even decided on a name! Our little boy will be named Mason Daniel!

How far along: 19w2d

Size of Baby:  Mango

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  Not sure, but probably up

Maternity Clothes: Yep yep!

Gender: Baby BOY!!! Mason Daniel

Belly Button In/Out: In

Stretch Marks: Same ones

Labor Signs: Nope

Movement: I sometimes feel a liquid moving sensation, no defined kicks yet :(

Sleep: I think that it's getting worse. It take awhile to get comfortable and then it takes a lot to move around.

Cravings/Aversions: Anything sweet!

Symptoms: Nipple sensitivity is out the world still!

Feeling: Happy and excited!!!

Best Moment this Week: Finding out the sex of the baby and telling our families! I also love when Justin talks to my belly and uses his name!

What I Miss: The ease of getting up from the bed or couch without so much work. Even Justin has noticed it and makes fun of the "couch eating me"!

What I am Looking Forward To: Finding and closing on a house so I can start setting up the nursery!

Milestones: Almost half baked! I swear the next 20 weeks are going to fly by!

Baby Milestones: Mason measures about 6 inches long and weighs in at about 8.5 ounces. He's developing a protective coating over his skin, called vernix caseosa. It's greasy and white, and I may see some of it at his birth.

Next Appointment: Thursday, June 6th! Just a regular OB apt, but he will be going over all test results, which I think are all normal since I haven't received a phone call!

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