Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Time for an Update!

I can't believe that it's been a month since I last posted an update! Where has the time gone? It seems like it's going by slowly, but then it's 30 days later!

Quick baby update. I had another OB appt on May 9th. No ultrasound this time :( but the nurse was able to use the Doppler to hear the heartbeat! It was 156 bpm! Dr. L came in and asked if I had felt any movement yet and I told him that I have felt muscle twitches (kind of like the feeling when your eye twitches) near my bellybutton, but I didn't know if that was baby or my uterus stretching. He said that it was most likely baby!

He scheduled me to come back in 2 weeks for my A/S! So we'll be finding out pretty soon! I can't wait!

The original plan was to do an elective ultrasound at one of those boutiques next week, but Justin said that we could just wait the extra week and save the money. Boo, but I get where he's coming from.

We ordered and got our travel system! We decided on the Chicco Cortina/KeyFit 30 in red and black. This was the most neutral color scheme they offered because hopefully there might be a Baby #2 in
the future!
It seems like all of my organs have shifted north and are resting on my lungs/diaphragm. It's been a struggle to breathe sometimes, especially if you throw in allergy induced asthma to the mix.

Morning sickness is 99.9% gone but I got this new little symptom this past week. Gagging and throwing up when I brush my teeth! It's so aggravating! I think that I might have to eat something and then brush my teeth. That's my project this week!

Oh and on the job hunt front, I got selected to go on to the next phase for a position with the City! It's for an Assistant Communications Operator (entry level 911 dispatcher)! I was going back and forth on this but I figured that I didn't know for sure if I want to be a SAHM and I want to keep some options open. And the pay isn't bad! So it would be totally do-able to work PT, pay for daycare, and still bring home a profit!

There were about 100 people at the written test and she said that they'll be sending out the results in 2 weeks! Also, if you pass, you have at least 2 interviews, a background check, a polygraph test, a psychological test, and a medical check! That's a lot of things and I don't have that much time if I am able to go forward! I'm mostly worried about the medical check.

Okay, now the update!

How far along: 17w

Size of Baby: Onion

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I'm up 2lbs but still down 2lbs from my IUI date!

Maternity Clothes: I live in them and I love it!

Gender: Unknown for now. We find out next week!

Belly Button In/Out: In

Stretch Marks: Same ones

Labor Signs: Nope

Movement: A few little muscle twitches near my belly button that Dr says is the baby!

Sleep: Sleeping a bit better. Still trying to sleep on my stomach, so I end up on one of my arms in this weird prop up position and then I wake up with a numb arm, lol

Cravings/Aversions: Back to the Slurpee's and Icee's!

Symptoms: Nipple sensitivity is out the world still!

Feeling: Happy and excited!!!

Best Moment this Week: Being able to hear the baby's heartbeat this week!

What I Miss: Beer sounds so good right now!

What I am Looking Forward To: Finding out if the baby is a girl or boy! Then let the shopping commence!

Milestones: Getting to 17 weeks! In 3 weeks, I'll be half baked! Holy crap, where did the time go?

Baby Milestones: Baby continues to beef up. Now she's about 5.1 inches longs and weighs about 5.9 ounces. Not only is she putting some meat on those bones, she's growing a stronger, thicker umbilical cord too!

Next Appointment: My next appt is Thursday, May 23rd. We get to find out if it's a GIRL or BOY!!!!!! Cannot wait!!!!

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