Wednesday, April 3, 2013

NT Test

I called my insurance company to make sure that it was covered. They said that all genetic testing is covered!

Since this is my first, and I absolutely have no idea what I'm doing, all these tests that they offer is leaving me dizzy!

At my first OB appt, the Dr. gave me a pamphlet and he told me that he would like me to consider getting the Quad Marker Screening, but then he added that I can get any test I wanted.

After hearing a lot about the NT (nuchal translucency) screening, I decided that this is the test I wanted. The whole screening process is blood work, then an u/s about a week later, and then more blood work in the 2nd Trimester to see what the odds are of Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18, Spina Bifida, and a few others.

I wake up early on Wednesday, and call my OB's office. I talk to the receptionist and she tells me that she'll have the nurse call me back. The Nurse calls me back and then I have to repeat what I wanted and then she tells me that she is going to have someone else call me back to schedule it.

I wait about an hour, and I get a phone call. Once again, I repeat what I wanted. She then asks me if I know what it consists of. :::Duh, I do my research::: I then tell her the procedure for it. She responds, in a kind of snarky way, with, "You don't have any family history so why do you want it done?"

I explain that I am a FTM and I went through IF treatment and I want to make sure everything is fine.

She continues with, "I have to write something on the referral for the reason why you need it. I guess I can figure out something to write on it. You can pick up your lab slip."

What a bish!

When I picked up the lab slip, I noticed next to her name it says MA!!!! She's a freaking MEDICAL ASSISTANT!!!!! Not even a nurse, and she's giving me hell and making me feel guilty!

I definitely will be talking to my OB about this.

I got the 1st round of blood work done today. She did tell me that I will be hearing from the hospital next week to schedule the appt. Now I just have to wait. (And she better had put my referral in, or shit is really going to hit the fan!)

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