Saturday, February 16, 2013

4w5d- Surprising my mom

Quick update: I feel good today. I had some pretty bad stomach pains (gas?) last night though. I think it was because we had frito boats for dinner. I don't know if it was from the chili or the salt from the fritos but it hurt. Woke up this morning and the pain was gone.

I don't really feel like eating or drinking that much. But I have to eat and drink something when I take my pills (still on the Metformin) or it'll make me sick to my stomach.

No morning sickness yet. I have only thrown up twice so far. First time was after I ate a microwavable tv dinner of chicken fried rice. There was way too much garlic in there! The second time was after eating french fries from McDonald's. I think that it was because they weren't fresh fresh.

Anyways, we decided to tell my mom and family on Valentine's Day. I love watching announcement videos on YouTube so I got my idea from there. We wrapped up a box and filled it with pink and blue balloons along with a huge mylar baby balloon.

I decided that I would put the box together while Justin was at work, and I had a huge fail! The box was huge (I connected two boxes together) and there was no way that it would fit in my car. So Justin had to unwrap it and take it apart. So much for me being helpful!

He decided that it would just be easier to put everything together when we got there. My job was to make sure we had all the supplies and they made it into the car.

Jaimee (BFF) wanted to be there but she was at work. She said that she was trying to get off early so we put off telling my family. It's about 8pm and Tracy (sister) is getting ready to go since it's almost my nephew's bedtime. So I had to think on my feet and told her that she needed to stay because Jaimee was coming over because she wanted to tell us something.

Tracy flat out asks, "She's not pregnant, is she?"

I played along and just replied with, "I don't know."

Jaimee was still stuck at work and we couldn't wait any longer. Justin and I carried out the (much smaller) box into the den.

My mom starts to freak out because she hates when people buy her stuff. Tracy is saying things like, "She's just trying to out do me from Christmas." (She bought my mom a flat screen)

I told my mom to sit down and that I'll open it for her. The kids wanted to rip into that box too and we kept having to tell them to stay sitting down. (hence the yelling on my part, lol)

Justin had my phone and was recording.

I opened the box and out flew the pink and blue balloons and my mom was laughing because the kids were all like, "Balloons!!!"

Then the baby balloon flew out. My mom stopped for a second, and then asked, "Lindsy, are you pregnant????"

Then the tears started!

I then gave her the gift bag that had the Love You Forever book with a message to her in it and a cute little onesie.

It was a pretty special moment. My mom had been praying for this moment for soo long and I am just so happy that I could surprise her with the good news!

She was also asking who she could tell! She wanted to tell my brother and sister in law and I told her that was fine. She called right then and woke them up!

Of course after all this, Jaimee finally shows up!!! So she was still able to participate a little!


  1. Oh my goodness, cute! Made me tear up a bit! Congrats again Lindsy!

  2. Oh my! Just watched your video and started bawling!! Such a wonderful moment with your family!!
