Monday, January 28, 2013

IUI Day!!!

We had to drop off Justin's sample at 8:30am so I got up at 6:30am to shower and get ready. I woke Justin up at 7:05am and told him to start waking up.  Collecting the sample, that was quite funny. I kept looking at the clock because I wanted to leave by 7:20am because of the morning work traffic. He told me that my looking at the clock wasn't helping him out!

I wanted to take a picture of his goodie bag before they got used, but we were running a bit behind and I wasn't able to. And I was not about to take a picture after (you're welcome!)

We got to the clinic at 8:15am and of course, they don't open until 8:30am, so back to the car we went to wait since it was about 37* and stupid me, completely forgot to wear normal shoes and I was in flipflops.

At 8:30am, we turned in our sample, which was resting in my bra in-between my boobies the entire time! After the drop off, we went and got breakfast. I needed to go to Bath and Body Works to pick up some things for my Secret Sock Exchange for the IF board and we had to wait until 10am for them to open. I was in and out in about 15 minutes.

We drove back to the clinic after I had a mini panic attack ("Are you sure they said 11am? Or was it 10am?) It was 11am, lol. So we get there at 10:30am thinking that maybe, just maybe they'll get me in earlier than 11am. No such luck! We didn't get called back until 11:30am! The entire time that we were waiting, I quite feeling a slight pain on both sides and I was thinking that it was my ovaries getting ready to O and then of course me thinking that I would miss the "window of opportunity" because of the long wait!

So Nurse Sandra was the one helping me. She said that since this is my first IUI, I would also need to have an STD check. (Why they couldn't put that on my CD3 b/w?) I was all prepped and ready to go!

Holly comes in and I ask her what the numbers were for Justin's sample. She said that the total count was 60+ million with 60+% motility and his post-wash numbers were 16 million with 94% motility! I couldn't have asked for better numbers!

Then it was go time!

Justin was sitting directly behind Holly and I'm sure he got more then he was willing to see, lol! The procedure itself wasn't too horrible. I felt a bit crampy, and had a very full feeling in my ute. She said that I just needed to lie down for about 10 minutes and then I was free to go. I laid there for about 25 minutes!

While laying there, I asked Justin if he was able to see anything. He said that when he saw her insert the speculum, that he had seen all that he wanted to! He said that "She was like, all the way up there, like I bet she could see your soul! That close!"

And now the dreaded 2WW!

Test date is Feb 11th, but I know for sure I will be testing sooner than that! FX!!!

Excuse the hair!
Spike and Lola making sure everything is there!
Spike and Lola talking about their game plan!!!


  1. FX and good luck to you in your IUI cycle! I know it is easier said than done to keep yourself busy during the 2ww but if all else fails - i go on pinterest!

  2. I haven't been in the dreaded 2ww for a long time! And it's especially hard when you're a SAHW! Pinterest is such a great idea! Thanks!
