I was able to talk Justin into letting me stay at my mom's and doing Christmas morning with the kids, so I felt a little guilty, but I told him that I would be home before he woke up and he was okay with it.
Christmas was a blast! I stayed up until 2am getting everything ready with my mom (she called it a night at 12am though). I found a really cute thing on Pinterest about hanging up streamers on the doors and watching the kids run through it in the morning.
I had my 13yr old brother help me put the streamers up where the Christmas presents were. And then we went to bed. I was lying there fully awake and then thought that I should put the streamers up and their bedroom doors too. I even put it up on my brother's door too!
I set my alarm clock for 5am since I didn't know what time the little ones (2- 6yrs old, and a 4yr old). Nope, they decided to sleep in to 7am. So there I am, like a little kid too excited to go back to sleep. I just made myself a cup of hot cocoa and waited.
L got up first, and I told him to go wake up everyone else. You didn't have to ask him twice!
Everyone seemed a little confused about the streamers, lol. But I told them to just run through it!
By this time, everyone was awake and ready to open presents!
Everything went perfect! And the kids, even the 13yr old had a blast!
On the way home, I stopped at Denny's to pick up breakfast for me and Justin. After eating, we did our Christmas. He was soo excited that I got him the wireless Sony headset for his PS3 and two games!
I got a $150 giftcard to Amazon and I was able to buy a glass bowl, beater head, and a mixer head for my Kitchen Aid stand mixer (somehow they got lost in the move, I'm hoping that they got packed away and they're in storage. Couldn't hurt to have double everything!)
I hope that everyone had a great Christmas!!!
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