Thursday, March 14, 2013

8w3d- 1st appt with new OB

I was told on the phone that this appt will just be paperwork and medical history. I did bring Justin, just in case.

I left him in the waiting room when I got called back. I don't think it would be right of me to have him watch me get a Pap smear after what he went through on our IUI day!

MA took my weight (down 6lbs!) and blood pressure, which was normal. Then Dr. L came in and introduced himself.

We then went and talked in his office about our long journey that finally has brought us to this point. He said that since I just had an u/s 2 weeks ago, he didn't think it was necessary to do another one at this time. My face went to sad panda.

He saw this and then quickly adds, "Well, since you're already here, why don't we do a quick u/s? Actually, if we do a quick one,we might as well do a full one."

I got super excited and told him that Justin was outside in the waiting room. He said that he'll get someone to bring him back to the room after the Pap.

When we get into the U/S room, the girl tells me to lay on the table. I'm standing there, thinking, "Okay, are you not going to leave the room while I get undressed?"

She looks at me and says again, "I need you to lay on the table and unbutton and unzip your pants." It was a regular u/s and not a vaginal one! Thank you IF brain for almost humiliating myself in front of her and Justin, because we all know that he would NEVER let me live that down!

Their u/s machine is hooked up to a huge flat screen tv and once again I had Justin record it!

Jellybean is still measuring a day behind, but they're leaving my due date the same.

Oh, and the most important thing...only ONE baby in there!

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