Wednesday, May 22, 2013

NBR: Life Coaches via Internet Strangers (vent)

I'm a pretty easy going person. When I get mad, it usually takes a lot until I blow. I swear some people are just too vocal for my liking sometimes.

It's not that I get mad because I don't agree with their answer to a question that I have asked. I get mad because some people turn it around somehow and then tell me that I'm not ready for certain things.

First example: I asked a harmless question about if I have to tell a future employer if I'm pregnant at the interview. I mentioned that I'm on unemployment and that Justin's job could definitely support me to be a SAHM. I also mentioned that I'm not sure if I want to go back to work.

From what's listed above, I got flamed by some people saying that if I don't want to work then I need to call Unemployment and tell them to stop my benefits! I swear that were acting like I was on Welfare or something! I've worked hard for over 15 years, I think that I deserve the money that I worked for!

It went from asking a simple question to that! I then had to defend myself about why I am doing things that way I am. First off, these people are complete strangers and they don't know everything about me and my life! Yet they feel the need to tell me how wrong I am!

It took a while, but I finally was able to get over that, but I do remember the negative posters.

Second example: Fast forward to yesterday. I asked another simple question about Closing costs and Down Payments. The same negative poster pretty much tells me that since I don't know the correct terms (I wrote conventional instead of compound) that she highly doubts that I'm ready to buy a house! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!? Since you know, it's a pretty big purchase that will affect the rest of my life.

I was so ready to ask her what happens if I ask a (stupid to her) baby question, if that means that I'm not ready to be a mom. I was so close, but I didn't want to stir the pot anymore.

Then I get another one that completely agrees with the above thoughts and says that I'm definitely not ready since we are apparently scraping to get the money together. Ummm, where did you come up with this info?

One word.


Yes, I understand that this is the internet and there are just some people who are flat out mean. I even posted this on a Buying a Home thread. I thought that I would for sure get flamed worse over there after what I got on my BMB, but hey guess what?

I got nothing, no flames!!! What I did get was just really helpful answers!

Sorry that this got so long but I needed to get that out!

Okay, one more thing, we get to find out if we're having a Boy or Girl tomorrow!!!!! So you'll be definitely getting an update!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry you had to deal with obnoxious people on the boards! It makes some people feel good about themselves to put others down.

    How exciting you get to find out the sex tomorrow!!!
