Friday, April 12, 2013


I had my 12w appt yesterday and it went great! Holy hell, this OB office is on their game! Total time there was 20 minutes!

We walked in at 9:13am for our 9:15am appt. I kind of blame myself since I didn't wake up Justin in time. I woke him up at the time he wanted to leave! Oh well, we still made it!

I check in with the receptionist and she tells me to go pee in a cup. I leave the waiting room to go to the bathroom. I was only able to go a little since I went when I woke up and only had a juice box on the car ride over there. I managed what I could and walked out of the bathroom and towards the little metal urine holder/window thing. I open it and there's 3 other cups, to the point where my cup won't fit! So I'm just standing there, holding my cup of pee, when I hear my name being called in the waiting room.

I yell down the hall to her and say that I'm right here! She walks over to me and I tell her that I can't fit my cup in the little window thing. She opens it and then kind of yells at another employee that this should be empty!

I hand her my cup and she dips a protein strip in it and it comes back negative! Takes me to the scale, and I'm up 2lbs, but still down a total of 4lbs from when I had my IUI. I ask her if Justin can come back here and she said yes. I text him and he walks in just a few seconds later.

The nurse got the Doppler and tried to find the heart beat. She was having trouble but I wasn't worried because I have a pooch there and I had a feeling that she wasn't going to find it. Good news about that, is that we got another ultrasound!

The u/s lady was so nice and found the heartbeat right away. It's still at 170bpm (hmmm....girl???) and our little jellybean looks like a baby now! This child is totally Justin's kid, baby was just laying there sleeping, and the only reason we saw movement was because the baby flinched...twice!

She printed out some pictures for us, but you can hardly see anything on them :(

The OB's office finally got everything handled with my insurance about the NT scan and the referral went in on Thursday! I was totally surprised that the hospital called me this morning and we are set for Friday, April 19th at 1:45pm!


Now time for the weekly update!

How far along: 12w4d but still measuring a day behind so really 12w3d

Size of Baby: Plum!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Still down a total of 4lbs

Maternity Clothes: I live in them and I love it!

Gender: Unknown for now

Belly Button In/Out: In

Stretch Marks: Same ones

Labor Signs: Nope

Movement: Nothing yet

Sleep: Been waking up after 6hrs but last night I got a glorious 8hrs!

Cravings/Aversions: Cherry Slurpees and Cherry Icees!

Symptoms: So constipated right now! I think that was the 2lbs that I "gained".

Feeling: IF brain still has me being cautious but I'm getting happier and happier!

Best Moment this Week: Seeing the baby again and coming out on FB!

What I Miss: Being able to poop, lol

What I am Looking Forward To: NT scan next week, and maybe getting a gender guess!!!

Milestones: Reaching 12w and seeing that the baby now looks like a baby!

Baby Milestones: Baby has formed all its parts and just continues to grow. Baby is developing their reflexes and can now curl its fingers and toes! Baby weighs in at 0.49 ounces!

Next Appointment: NT scan is Friday, April 19th and the next OB appt is May 9th!

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