I swear that my body has it out for me. I was super excited to go in to the RE for my second u/s (and shell out another $75) and what happens? My 16mm follie disappears on me! The 12mm follie did grow to 16mm, but it's still too small to trigger.
They did ask if I wanted to come back in on Monday for yet another u/s, but even the Nurse said that since I'm at CD 22 the likelihood of it growing anymore was slim to none. I told her that I would think about it. She did sit with me and went through my entire chart to see what's been going on.
After going through the chart, she said that the RE is going to review it and decide what the next step is. She thinks he's going to add a Bravelle injection to use either on the last day of the Femara or the next day, to give my follies a very much needed boost.
Now I have to wait (yet again) until CD 35 to pee on a stick and get the oh so familiar BFN before they will call in my prescription for birth control since the Provera doesn't seem to be working any more to start my period. So I think that I'm looking at at least January 13th 2013 for AF to start!
Why do you hate me body?????
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